OLIVER TWIST continues its tour into 2023
This is TNT's most performed production. A roller coaster ride of tragedy and comedy, a grotesque exploration of Dickens' central theme of the relationship between poverty and crime. The powerful drama is set on the gallows as Fagin (as in the original) awaits execution. His life and fate is explored in flashback. Thomas Johnson's haunting and vibrant score is sung a capella by the cast.

meet the OLIVER TWIST cast 2023/2024

Emma Sandborgh

Eva Regan

Isabel Horner

Jacob Hutchings

Christopher Martin
press quotes
Liberating Mirth in an Oppressive Atmosphere
Oliver Twist in the original language – a well-disposed theatre troupe offered an experience not just for anglophiles Lippische Landeszeitung
A brilliant adaptation of Dickens‘ work, where the actors impress, not just with the
command of their voices and strong expression. The easy use of gesture and facial
expression gave life to the in any case dynamic plot and took away the moralistic gravity.
Roaring applause for high quality, committed theatre on a small stage. Elisabeth Bracker
Badische Zeitung
The audience in the Kreßlesmühle experienced a brilliant night of theatre. Possible every visitor knows the melodramatic story of young Oliver Twist, who is nearly crushed by the wheel of life, before he can move his grandfather’s heart and hope is victorious at long last. The theatrical realization by “TNT Theatre” in director Paul Stebbings’ production closely followed the plot of the original. But due to the medium chosen the play always remained an original work.
Augsburger Allgemeine
watch the trailer here