to be seen from January till late March 2023 in Germany, Switzerland and Denmark
TNT's HAMLET has been seen around the world for twenty years and returns with many of its original cast, who have swapped roles as they mature with the production. This is dynamic physical theatre directed by multi- award winning artist Paul Stebbings, with a vibrant score composed by Thomas Johnson - sung and played by the cast.

meet the Hamlet cast 2023

Jacson Pentland

Chris Mawson

Fiona Tong

Boo Jackson
Dan Wilder

Glynn Connop

Martin Christopher
The most exciting and revealing recent production of what many consider Shakespeare’s greatest play, Theatre World Magazine,
press quotes
Seven actors – one masterpiece. TNT theatre succeeded last night in the tragedy “Hamlet” with only a few props to guide the audience to the essence of the play.
“To be or not to be” – they had been waiting for this line. The audience, were proverbially hanging on Hamlet’s, lips. On one hand to be able to follow the Renaissance-English, on the other, to experience closely the drama, Hamlet’s pain….. And while the gravedigger goes about his work, the applause rings through the rows from the first to the last. BADISCHE ZEITUNG Germany
The acting is simply fantastic…..Hamlet is a mystery or several. He is played with intense energy by Martin Christopher in a long black leather coat. With his dark hair, pale eyes and high forehead he looks like a tortured Edgar Allen Poe before the cracked walls of Oslo’s royal castle. DAGBLATT Norway (largest circulation paper)

All in all, the whole troupe under Paul Stebbings offered a treat of acting and direction, showing again why Shakespeare hasn’t lost his charm even in the 21st century:
watch our trailer here
You can find out more about the director's approach in the free film video blog: