a statement by the Artistic Director of the American Drama Group Europe
and TNT (The New Theatre) Britain Paul Stebbings
Our aim is:
To produce dynamic physical theatre that concentrates on the resources and abilities of the actor
To produce theatre that integrates the disciplines of music, choreography and drama
To produce theatre that cannot be placed in any one category because it can be performed to almost any type of audience in almost any type of venue, or even create venues and audiences of its own
To produce theatre that rejects television inspired realism and the simplicities of Hollywood in favour of a drama that challenges the imagination of the audience
To produce theatre that is essentially 'live' , where technology only exists to serve the vital connection between audience and stage
To challenge hallowed texts, fixed notions of what theatre should or should not be or where theatre can or cannot be played
To be difficult and enjoyable, unpredictable and exciting, to sweat for our audience
To abolish the distinction between art, education and entertainment
To create “tragedy with a smile on its lips.” (Meyerhold)